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samedi 31 octobre 2015

October 31 Wikipedia featured article

Bake these (pumpkins in Toronto).jpg

Cucurbita (Latin for gourd) is a genus of vines in the gourd family, native to the Andes and Mesoamerica. Five species are grown worldwide, variously known as squash, pumpkin, or gourd depending on species, variety, and local parlance. The fruits have played a role in human culture for at least 2,000 years. First cultivated in the Americas before being brought to Europe by returning explorers, the plants remain an important food source. Most Cucurbita species are herbaceous vines that grow several meters in length and have tendrils, but bush cultivars of C. pepo and C. maxima have also been developed. Many North and Central American species are visited by honey bees, as well as specialist bees that pollinate only a single species. Most of the domesticated species can be considered winter squash, since the full-grown fruits can be stored for months. Their extracts have many uses, including in cosmetics for dry and sensitive skin. The fruits are also good sources of vitamins and minerals in foods such as pumpkin pie, biscuits, bread, desserts, puddings, beverages, and soups. (Full article...)

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On this day: October 31

October 31: Halloween; Samhain begins (Northern Hemisphere); Beltane begins (Southern Hemisphere); Reformation Day (Protestantism)

Martin Luther
Martin Luther

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vendredi 30 octobre 2015

October 30 Wikipedia featured article

Freo prison WMAU gnangarra-131.jpg

Fremantle Prison was built in Fremantle, Western Australia, between 1851 and 1859 using convict labour. Royal Commissions in 1898 and 1911 instigated some prison reforms, but after World War II, significant reforms lagged behind those occurring elsewhere in Australia and the world. Improvements in the late 1960s and early 1970s included an officer training school, social workers, welfare officers, and work release and community service programs. Punishments varied over the years, with flogging and leg irons eventually replaced by lengthening of sentences and restriction from visitors or entertainment. More than 40 hangings were carried out at Fremantle Prison, which was Western Australia's only lawful place of execution between 1888 and 1984. There were major riots in 1968 and 1988; in the second one, guards were taken hostage, and fire damage totalled $1.8 million (in 1988 Australian dollars). The prison closed in 1991, replaced by the new maximum-security Casuarina Prison. Since then, Fremantle Prison has become a tourist attraction and World Heritage Site. (Full article...)

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On this day: October 30

October 30: Mischief Night in some areas of the United States

H. G. Wells
H. G. Wells

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jeudi 29 octobre 2015

October 29 Wikipedia featured article

Telescopium IAU.svg

Telescopium is a minor constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere, one of twelve created in the 18th century by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille and one of several depicting scientific instruments. Its name is a Latinized form of the Greek word for telescope. Telescopium was later much reduced in size by Francis Baily and Benjamin Gould. The brightest star in the constellation is Alpha Telescopii, a blue-white subgiant with an apparent magnitude of 3.5, followed by the orange giant star Zeta Telescopii at magnitude 4.1. Eta and PZ Telescopii are two young star systems with debris disks and brown dwarf companions. Telescopium hosts two unusual stars with very little hydrogen that are likely to be the result of merged white dwarfs: HD 168476, also known as PV Telescopii, is a hot blue extreme helium star, while RS Telescopii is an R Coronae Borealis variable. RR Telescopii is a cataclysmic variable that brightened to magnitude 6 in 1948 as a nova. (Full article...)

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On this day: October 29

October 29: Republic Day in Turkey (1923)

Sir Walter Raleigh
Sir Walter Raleigh

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mercredi 28 octobre 2015

October 28 Wikipedia featured article

Mission Concepcion San Antonio.JPG

The Battle of Concepción was fought on October 28, 1835, between Mexican troops and Texian insurgents on the grounds of Mission Concepción (pictured in 2010), 2 miles (3.2 km) south of what is now Downtown San Antonio in the U.S. state of Texas. The day before, Stephen F. Austin, commander of the newly created Texian Army, had sent James Bowie, James Fannin, and 90 soldiers to find a defensible spot for the army to rest. After choosing a site near Mission Concepción, the scouting party camped for the night and sent a courier to notify Austin. Upon learning that the army was divided, General Martín Perfecto de Cos sent Colonel Domingo Ugartechea with 275 soldiers to attack the scouting party. The Texians took cover in a horseshoe-shaped gully; their good defensive position, longer firing range, and better ammunition helped them repel several attacks, and the Mexican soldiers retreated just 30 minutes before the remainder of the Texian Army arrived. Historians estimate that between 14 and 76 Mexican soldiers were killed, while only one Texian soldier died. (Full article...)

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On this day: October 28

October 28: Feast days of Simon the Zealot and Jude the Apostle (Western Christianity)

Gateway Arch
Gateway Arch

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mardi 27 octobre 2015

October 27 Wikipedia featured article

Oerip on a 1993 stamp

Oerip Soemohardjo (1893–1948) was an Indonesian general and the first chief of staff of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. He trained in Batavia (modern-day Jakarta) to become a lieutenant in the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army, and after almost 25 years of service was the highest-ranking Native Indonesian officer in the country. He resigned in 1938, but was recalled to active duty after Nazi Germany invaded the Netherlands in May 1940. When the Empire of Japan occupied Indonesia less than two years later, he was detained in a prisoner-of-war camp for three and a half months. Indonesia proclaimed its independence from the Netherlands in 1945; several months later, he was declared the chief of staff and interim leader of the newly formed army. Working to build a united force from the fractured former military groups in the country, he oversaw army development during the Indonesian National Revolution along with General Sudirman, the leader of the armed forces. He has received several awards from the Indonesian government, including the title National Hero of Indonesia. (Full article...)

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On this day: October 27

October 27

Ayub Khan
Ayub Khan

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lundi 26 octobre 2015

Profits25 (et autres « régies publicitaires à revenus partagés ») : Fuyez!

Retrouvez le contenu original de l'article Profits25 (et autres « régies publicitaires à revenus partagés ») : Fuyez! sur ABC Argent.

Si vous cherchez à gagner de l’argent sur Internet, vous n’avez pas pu passer à côté de Profits25. Ce site web fonctionne comme une régie publicitaire à revenus partagés et vous rémunère pour vos clics sur des bannières publicitaires. Sur ABC Argent, je préfère parler des idées qui marchent, plutôt que d’évoquer celles qui ne [...]

L'article Profits25 (et autres « régies publicitaires à revenus partagés ») : Fuyez! est apparu en premier sur ABC Argent.

from ABC Argent

October 26 Wikipedia featured article

Arthur Sifton

Arthur Sifton (1858–1921) was the second Premier of Alberta from 1910 to 1917 and a minister in the Government of Canada thereafter. When Alberta was created out of a portion of the Northwest Territories in 1905, Sifton became its first chief justice. In 1910 the Alberta government of Premier Alexander Cameron Rutherford was embroiled in the Alberta and Great Waterways Railway scandal; Rutherford resigned, and the position was offered to Sifton. As premier, he failed to gain provincial control over natural resources, but succeeded in implementing some direct democracy measures, leading to prohibition and the extension of the vote to women. During the conscription crisis of 1917, Sifton supported the Conservative Prime Minister, Robert Borden, in his attempt to impose conscription to help win the First World War. He backed the creation of a Union government composed of Conservatives and pro-conscription Liberals. In 1917 he left provincial politics and became a minister in this government. Over the next three and a half years he served briefly in four ministries and was a delegate to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. (Full article...)

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On this day: October 26

October 26: National Day in Austria (1955); Feast day of Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki

St Paul's Cathedral
St Paul's Cathedral

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dimanche 25 octobre 2015

October 25 Wikipedia featured article

Three-cent silver, Type 1 obverse

The three-cent silver was struck by the Mint of the United States for circulation from 1851 to 1872, and as a proof coin for collectors in 1873. A reduction of postage rates to three cents prompted Congress in 1851 to authorize the coin. At the time, profiteers were exporting and melting U.S. silver coins for their metal to trade for increasing amounts of gold in the wake of the California Gold Rush. The three-cent silver thwarted this scheme, as the first American coin with metal valued significantly less than its face value, and the first silver coin not usable as legal tender in unlimited amounts. Designed by the Mint's Chief Engraver, James B. Longacre, the coin saw heavy use until Congress protected other silver coins from profiteers in 1853 by reducing their silver content. The coin's place in commerce was lost with the economic chaos of the Civil War, which led to hoarding of all gold and silver coins. After the three-cent piece in copper-nickel emerged in 1865, the three-cent silver had a string of low mintages until its abolition by the Coinage Act of 1873. The series is not widely collected, and the pieces remain inexpensive relative to U.S. coins of similar scarcity. (Full article...)

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On this day: October 25

October 25: Retrocession Day in Taiwan (1945)

Battle of Agincourt
Battle of Agincourt

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samedi 24 octobre 2015

October 24 Wikipedia featured article

Debora Green (b. 1951) is an American physician who pleaded no contest in 1995 to killing two of her children and trying to kill her husband, Michael Farrar. Their marriage had been tumultuous, and Farrar filed for divorce in July 1995. He soon fell violently ill, but his doctors could not pinpoint the source of his illness. Green began to drink heavily, even while supervising her children. In October the family home caught fire, and two of her children died in the blaze. Investigation showed that trails of accelerant in the house led back to Green's bedroom, and that she had been poisoning Farrar's food with ricin. The trial was sensational, and covered heavily by news media, especially in the KansasMissouri area, where the crimes occurred. She was sentenced to forty years in prison. Crime writer Ann Rule wrote about the case in her book Bitter Harvest: A Woman's Fury, a Mother's Sacrifice. Green has petitioned for a new trial twice in recent years, without success. (Full article...)

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On this day: October 24

October 24: Day of Ashura (Islam, 2015); United Nations Day (1945); Independence Day in Zambia (1964)

George Washington Bridge
George Washington Bridge

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vendredi 23 octobre 2015

October 23 Wikipedia featured article

Quileute net fishing
Quileute net fishing

United States v. Washington was a 1974 case heard in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. It reaffirmed the reserved right of American Indian tribes in the State of Washington to act alongside the state as co-managers of salmon and other fish, and to continue harvesting them in accordance with the various treaties that the United States had signed with the tribes. The tribes of Washington had ceded their land to the United States but had reserved the right to fish as they always had (pictured), including fishing at their traditional locations that were off the designated reservations. After a long trial, the decision of federal judge George Hugo Boldt held that the tribes were entitled to half the fish harvest each year. In 1975 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Judge Boldt's ruling and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case. After the state refused to enforce the court order, Boldt ordered the Coast Guard to enforce his rulings. In a later case, Justice John Paul Stevens summarized: "Both sides have a right, secured by treaty, to take a fair share of the available fish." (Full article...)

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On this day: October 23

October 23: Day of Tasu'a (Islam, 2015); Mole Day

Claude François de Malet
Claude François de Malet

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jeudi 22 octobre 2015

October 22 Wikipedia featured article

Turdus merula - Common blackbird with a grub

The common blackbird (Turdus merula) is a species of true thrush. It breeds in Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and has been introduced to Canada, the United States, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, the Falkland Islands, Chile, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. It has several subspecies across its large range; a few of the Asian subspecies are sometimes considered to be full species. Depending on latitude, the common blackbird may be resident, partially migratory, or fully migratory. The male of the nominate subspecies, which is found throughout most of Europe, is all black except for a yellow eye-ring and bill and has a rich, melodious song; the adult female and juvenile have mainly dark brown plumage. The species breeds in woods and gardens, building a neat, mud-lined, cup-shaped nest. It is omnivorous, eating a wide range of insects, earthworms, berries, and fruits. This common and conspicuous bird has given rise to many literary and cultural references, frequently related to its song. (Full article...)

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On this day: October 22

October 22: International Stuttering Awareness Day

Train wreck at Gare Montparnasse
Train wreck at Gare Montparnasse

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mercredi 21 octobre 2015

October 21 Wikipedia featured article

The interior of the Sci-Fi Dine-In

The Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater Restaurant is a theme restaurant at Disney's Hollywood Studios, a theme park at Walt Disney World in Bay Lake, Florida. The restaurant is modeled after a 1950s drive-in theater. Walt Disney Imagineering designed the booths to resemble convertibles of the period. While eating, guests watch a large projection screen displaying film clips from such films as Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster, Plan 9 from Outer Space, and Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. In 1991, the Sci-Fi Dine-In opened along with nineteen other new Walt Disney World attractions marking the complex's twentieth anniversary. By the following year, it had become the park's most popular restaurant. Thai movie theater operator EGV Entertainment opened the EGV Drive-in Cafe in Bangkok in 2003, explicitly emulating the Sci-Fi Dine-In. USA Today‍ '​s list of the best restaurants in American amusement parks ranks the Sci-Fi Dine-In fifteenth, but many reviewers rate it more highly for its atmosphere than for its cuisine. (Full article...)

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On this day: October 21

October 21: Trafalgar Day in various Commonwealth countries; Back to the Future Day

Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale

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mardi 20 octobre 2015

October 20 Wikipedia featured article

Luo Yixiu (1889–1910) was the first wife of the future Chinese communist revolutionary and political leader Mao Zedong, to whom she was married from 1908 until her death. She came from a family of impoverished Han Chinese landowners near Shaoshan, Hunan, in south central China. Most of what is known about their marriage comes from Mao and appears in the 1936 book Red Star Over China by the reporter Edgar Snow. The marriage was arranged by their fathers when Luo was eighteen and Mao was just fourteen. He later said that he was unhappy with the marriage, never consummating it and refusing to live with his wife. He moved out of the village to continue his studies elsewhere, eventually becoming a founding member of the Communist Party of China. Socially disgraced, Luo lived with Mao's parents for two years until she died of dysentery. Various biographers have suggested that this marriage affected Mao's later views, leading him to become a critic of arranged marriage and a vocal feminist. He would marry three more times, to Yang Kaihui, He Zizhen and Jiang Qing. (Full article...)

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